About Intellectual Disabilities / Autism (ID/A)
Cambria County’s Intellectual Disabilities/Autism (ID/A) Program supports individuals with an intellectual disability/autism and their families.
supporting individuals and their families
Cambria County’s Intellectual Disabilities/Autism (ID/A) Program supports individuals with an intellectual disability/autism and their families.
Our program ensures that individuals receive needed home and community-based services and are afforded choice and preference so that they may fully participate in their community and live the life they choose.
Administrative Entity (AE)
The County Office is the Administrative Entity (AE) for the State’s Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the PA Department of Human Services (DHS).
The department performs operational and administrative oversight on behalf of ODP and DHS. Some of the responsibilities of the AE include verifying eligibility for intellectual disability services, Level of Care (LOC) evaluations in compliance with the department’s approved ID/A waivers, written policies and procedures, oversight and monitoring of service providers, and reviewing, approval and authorization of Individual Service Plans for all individuals registered with us.
Supports Coordination Organization (SCO)
If you are eligible for ID/A services, you will choose a Supports Coordination Organization (SCO) and you will be assigned a Supports Coordinator (SC). Your SC will meet with you to discuss your needs, what services are needed based on your needs, and what services/resources are available to help meet those needs. Your SC will complete the Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) as part of this meeting, to help determine the level of funding needed for the services and supports identified. Your SC will also help develop an Individual Support Plan (ISP) containing the information about best ways to support you and the services/supports that can be provided.
In short, the SCO helps to locate, coordinate and monitor the services and supports for individuals enrolled in our ID/A Program, needed to participate in your community and live the life you choose.
We have a vast array of contracted providers and we’ll help you get the services and supports you need to plan for and live an everyday life.
We Help Everyone
There is never a cost to families for any ID/A services.