Child and Adolescent Service System Program (CASSP)

CASSP is a core group of principles used to guide a team approach to coordinating services for children with mental health needs.

multi-system team

CASSP is a core group of principles used to guide a team approach to coordinating services for children with mental health needs. A CASSP Case Manager will coordinate a comprehensive, child-centered multi-system team comprised of all of the necessary services and supports for each child.

This team often includes family, schools, Children and Youth, Juvenile Probation, Drug and Alcohol, Mental Health providers and the child’s insurance company.

The CASSP Case Manger facilitates interagency meetings to address the current needs of the child, past services and barriers to service in an effort to develop the best plan of care for that child.

CASSP Principles

  • Services are child-centered
  • Services are family-focused
  • Services are community-based
  • Services are planned in collaboration with all systems involved with the child
  • Services are culturally competent
  • Services are least restrictive and least intrusive as possible

We Help Everyone

Requests for CASSP meetings can be made by any individual involved in the child’s care, including family, school or other involved agencies.

Call (814) 535-8531 to request a CASSP meeting.

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