Support Coordination

Our Supports Coordinators assist with locating, coordinating and monitoring the services and supports for the individuals enrolled in our ID/A Program

ID/A Program functions

The functions of our ID/A Program include eligibility determination, Supports Coordination, provider relations, services authorizations, system coordination, Risk Management, and coordination of funding sources.

Our Supports Coordinators assist with locating, coordinating and monitoring the services and supports for the individuals enrolled in our ID/A Program.

We have a vast array of contracted providers and we’ll help you get the services and supports you need to plan for and live an everyday life.

Services and Supports

  • Behavioral Support

  • Benefits Counseling

  • Communication Specialist

  • Community Participation Support (CPS)

  • Companion Services

  • Employment Services

  • Housing Transition and Tenancy Sustaining Services

  • In-Home and Community Support (IH&C)

  • Remote Supports/Assistive Technology

  • Residential Services – Life Sharing, Residential Habilitation, Supported Living

  • Supports Coordination

  • Transportation

Process for Obtaining Services

Schedule an Intake appointment by calling 814-535-8531.

During the Intake appointment, we will gather information to help determine eligibility for ID/A services.

To assist with that process, please bring the following information/documents with you, if available:

  • Social Security Card
  • Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Address
  • MA Card, if you have one – also referred to as Medicaid, Access Card, Medical Assistance
  • Psychological Evaluation reports
  • Medical records documenting diagnoses, such as Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, etc.
  • You may be asked to sign a Release of Information to obtain documents, such as Psychological evaluations, medical records, etc. that would assist in determining your eligibility for ID/A services.

Determining eligibility. Eligibility requirements for ID/A services are:

  1. Must have a diagnosis of one of the following:
    • Intellectual disability with a full scale IQ of 70 or below that occurred prior to age 22
    • Autism diagnosis based on diagnostic tools that occurred prior to the age of 22
    • Developmental disability between birth through age 8 with a high probability of an intellectual disability or autism
    • Medically complex condition between birth through age 21 with a current medical evaluation from a licensed medical provider
  2. And also have:
    • Substantial adaptive skill deficits in 3 or more of these major life activities: self-care, understanding and use of receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living
    • Intermediate care facility (ICF) level of care
    • Medicaid eligibility (required for most services)

Determining Eligibility


If eligible for ID/A services, you will choose a Supports Coordination Organization (SCO) and will be assigned a Supports Coordinator (SC). Your SC will meet with you to discuss your needs, what services are needed and what resources are available to help plan for a good life, an everyday life. Your SC will complete the Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) as part of this meeting, to help in determining the level of funding that may be needed for the services and supports identified. Your SC will also help develop an Individual Support Plan (ISP) containing information about best ways to support you.

Not Eligible

If you are not eligible for ID/A services, you may be provided with resources to try to obtain services through other programs and supports within the community.

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